Good Friday VBS and Easter Egg Hunt- April 7, 2023
Rummage/bake sale- each spring and fall: May 19-20. 2023;TBD
Summer VBS- 16-21,2023
Harvest Party- Each October: October 22, 2023
Christmas VBS- Third Sat of December: December 16, 2023
Red Cross Blood Drives: May 31, 2023
Good Friday VBS and Easter Egg Hunt- April 7, 2023
Rummage/bake sale- each spring and fall: May 19-20. 2023;TBD
Summer VBS- 16-21,2023
Harvest Party- Each October: October 22, 2023
Christmas VBS- Third Sat of December: December 16, 2023
Red Cross Blood Drives: May 31, 2023
Ruth Circle- all interested women are members!
Join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 1:30 pm for a short Bible study, luncheon, and fellowship
Service projects and activities of Ruth Circle include:
Luncheons for funerals
Care packages for college students (in collaboration with Health Congregations)
Bake sales with the bi-annual Rummage Sale
Donations and support for local charities/service organizations
Healthy Congregations-Contact the church office for more information about how to join
Service projects and activities for Health Congregations include:
Freezer Fairies
5th Sunday Brunch
Collaboration with The Salvation Army for care packages
Puppet Ministry
The youth plan, practice and perform during a worship service about once per month
First 13 Wednesdays
Meets the first Wednesday evening of each month at 6pm for a light supper, followed by lesson and activities for the family. May attend as a family or drop kids off
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Let the church office know if you know anyone in need of the comfort of a shawl made and blessed by members of our congregation
Ruth Circle- all interested women are members!
Join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 1:30 pm for a short Bible study, luncheon, and fellowship
Service projects and activities of Ruth Circle include:
Luncheons for funerals
Care packages for college students (in collaboration with Health Congregations)
Bake sales with the bi-annual Rummage Sale
Donations and support for local charities/service organizations
Healthy Congregations-Contact the church office for more information about how to join
Service projects and activities for Health Congregations include:
Freezer Fairies
5th Sunday Brunch
Collaboration with The Salvation Army for care packages
Puppet Ministry
The youth plan, practice and perform during a worship service about once per month
First 13 Wednesdays
Meets the first Wednesday evening of each month at 6pm for a light supper, followed by lesson and activities for the family. May attend as a family or drop kids off
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Let the church office know if you know anyone in need of the comfort of a shawl made and blessed by members of our congregation